Dat het heelal alleen kan bestaan als goden tweeslachtig zijn vind ik toch wel wat antropocentrisch gedacht, hoor.
Om die tweeslachtigheid niet te moeten toegeven door de mannelijke priesters en ook omdat het vrouwelijke principe alleen in staat is om te scheppen en te baren en dus het eerst aanbeden werd, hebben alle mannelijke goden een vrouw gekregen en een kind. Hierbij een tekst van op het net die dat veel beter uit kan leggen dan ik.
Moest u dit boek reeds kennen, sorry dan voor de plaats die ik inneem.
Een ding ga ik er toch aan toevoegen, als er geen aantrekkingskracht (positief) en geen afstotingskracht (negatief) zo bestaan hoe houdt u dan het heelal bij elkaar!
Zwaartekracht – positief-negatief – yin-yang – mannelijk-vrouwelijk.
Als in uw auto een batterij zou staan met twee positieve of twee negatieve polen dan zou ik u daar wel eens mee willen zien rijden.
The God-Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion by Eliza Burt Gamble
Through scientific research, the fact has been observed that, for ages after life appeared on the earth, the male had no separate existence; that the two sex-principles, the sperm and the germ, were contained within the same individual.
Through the processes of differentiation, however, these elements became detached, and with the separation of the male from the female, the reproductive functions were henceforth confided to two separate individuals.
As originally, throughout Nature, the female was the visible organic unit within whom was contained the exclusive creative power, and as throughout the earlier ages of life on the earth she comprehended the male, it is not perhaps singular that, even after the appearance of mankind on the earth, the greater importance of the mother element in human society should have been recognized; nor, as the power to bring forth coupled with perceptive wisdom originally constituted the Creator, that the god-idea should have been female instead of male.
From the facts to be observed in relation to this subject, it is altogether probable that for ages the generating principle throughout Nature was venerated as female; but with that increase of knowledge which was the result of observation and experience, juster or more correct ideas came to prevail, and subsequently the great fructifying energy throughout the universe came to be regarded as a dual indivisible force -female and male.
This force, or agency, constituted one God, which, as woman's functions in those ages were accounted of more importance than those of man, was oftener worshipped under the form of a female figure.
Neith, Minerva, Athena, and Cybele, the most important deities of their respective countries, were adored as Perceptive Wisdom, or Light, while Ceres and others represented Fertility.
With the incoming of male dominion and supremacy, however, we observe the desire to annul the importance of the female and to enthrone one all-powerful male god whose chief attributes were power and might.
Doubtless, the first deified object was Gaia, the Earth.
The earth, including the power inherent in it by which the continuity of existence is maintained, and by which new forms are continuously called into life, embodied the idea of God; and, as this inner force was regarded as inherent in matter, or as a manifestation of it, in process of time earth and the heavens, body and spirit, came to be worshipped under the form of a mother and her child, this figure being the highest expression of a Creator which the human mind was able to conceive.
Not only did this emblem represent fertility, or the fecundating energies of Nature, but with the power to create were combined or correlated all the mental qualities and attributes of the two sexes.
In fact the whole universe was contained in the Mother idea -the child, which was sometimes female, sometimes male, being a scion or offshoot from the eternal or universal unit.
Underlying all ancient mythologies may be observed the idea that the earth, from which all things proceed, is female.
Even in the mythology of the Finns, Lapps, and Esths, Mother Earth is the divinity adored.
In the old religion, the sky was the husband of the earth and the earth was mother of all the gods. [5] Max Muller, Origin and Growth of Religion, p. 279.
Thus, throughout the earlier ages of human existence, at a time when mankind lived nearer to Nature and before individual wealth and the stimulation of evil passions had engendered superstition, selfishness, and distrust, the maternal element constituted not only the binding and preserving principle in human society, but, together with the power to bring forth, constituted also the god-idea, which idea, as has already been observed, at a certain stage in the history of the race was portrayed by a female figure with a child in her arms.
From all sources of information at hand are to be derived evidences of the fact that the earliest religion of which we have any account was pure Nature-worship, that whatever at any given time might have been the object adored, whether it were the earth, a tree, water, or the sun, it was simply as an emblem of the great energizing agency in Nature.
The moving or forming force in the universe constituted the god-idea.
The figure of a mother with her child signified not only the power to bring forth, but Perceptive Wisdom, or Light, as well.
Goden of godinnen die zowel het mannelijk als het vrouwelijk principe bezaten: Atoum – Amon – Venus – Afrodite – Ishtar –Quetzalcoatl – en zovele anderen. Els, ik heb een halve dag naar godinnen met een baard, zoals gezegd van Venus, Afrodite, Ishtar, enz. gezocht op het net, maar niks gevonden.
Weet u er soms staan of is dit ook weer zo'n gezegde dat de ene schrijver van de andere overneemt zonder ook maar iets na te gaan of dat wel waar is. Ik ken wel een koningin Hatsepsoet met een baard tijdens haar regering.