Subject: Women's Power DVD release: Mar 21
It's finally here: Women's Power, the DVD!
A panoramic view of female leadership, creativity, wisdom, and courage, around the world and over thousands of years. For the first time on DVD, this acclaimed show created by Max Dashu looks at female spheres of power in politics, economics, religion, medicine, arts and letters --a rich tapestry of women famous and anonymous, ancient and modern.
These are the bold and creative women you always knew existed, who were kept out of the history books and off the TV screens. Seeing their reality will change how you think about female humanity.
If you've ever wondered where the women were-see this movie!
You can order the DVD online or by mail (see order links at url above). It's $25. plus shipping for individuals, $75. for institutions.
Video clips can be seen at ... clips.html
Prelude: They skipped her when they wrote history
Monumental women: Ancestral Mothers
Founders, Chieftains, and Queens
Clan Mothers: Structural Social Power
Builders, Potters, Weavers:
Life-sustaining Arts and Technologies
Providers: Foragers, Farmers, and Traders
Women Elders
Seers, Shamans, Priestesses
Healers, Medicine Women, Physicians
Educators and Scientists
Athletes, Warriors, Rebels
Revolutionaries and Liberators
Activists for Justice and Peace
Plus two extras: Restoring Women to Cultural Memory
and More Early Female M.D.s
Music by Terri Rivera Piatt, Julie Hammond, Matu Feliciano and Rumba Mezclao (Randi Covin, Aiko Iseyama and Susan Ortiz), Laney Goodman and Kay Stoner, Jose Maria Cordova, Suzanne Teng, Macha Caione, Lynn Waters, Chip Murdock, and Solace.
Showings of Women's Power dvd are being convened
around the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Britain, and Australia...
Nights of Remembrance:
Women's Empowerment Councils
Convenors will screen the movie and hold council about where we stand at this important time, and what needs to be done. If you would like to convene one of these gatherings, please reply to this email. What's involved? see ... rment.html
The initial dates were March 18-23, but we are extending it through the year. Women can attend for a modest donation and are invited to donate more to support the creation of books and more dvds. Awareness of women's history is an important corrective for the enculturated demoralization of women...
To make this knowledge accessible, the transcript of Women's Power is available at: ... cript.html
and a study guide for discussion is at:
Max Dashu
Please forward far and wide to friends and allies...
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News flashes:
In India, the Gulabi Gang (women wearing shocking pink saris) go forth to fight injustices committed by battering husbands, corrupt officials, and other wrongdoers:
Support the New Jersey Four: African-American lesbians who were attacked on the streets of NYC and imprisoned for defending themselves. Venice Brown, Terrain Dandridge, Patreese Johnson, and Renata Hill were assailed by a man "who held them down and choked them, ripped hair from their scalps, spat on them, and threatened to sexually assault them- -all because they are lesbians." (Imani Henry) Learn more about the judicial violence they have undergone since, and write letters of support:
Please sign the petition to free these women:
Finally, an excellent article on US military protection of rapists:
Silenced in the Barracks
Max Dashu
Suppressed Histories Archives
Real Women, Global Vision