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Massinissa was een zon aabidder

Godsdiensten en culturen van Afrika

Massinissa was een zon aabidder

Berichtdoor Reader » za 06 jan , 2007 17:23

"When I (/Scipio/) was introduced to him, the old man (/Massinissa, king of Numidia/) embraced me, shed tears, and then, looking up to heaven, exclaimed I thank thee, O supreme Sun, and you also, you other celestial beings, that before I departed from this life I behold in my kingdom, and in my palace, Publius Cornelius Scipio, by whose mere name I seem to be reanimated; so complete and indelibly is the recollection of that best and most invincible of men, Africanus, imprinted in my mind." ... blic6.html
Laatst bijgewerkt door Reader op za 06 jan , 2007 18:54, in totaal 1 keer bewerkt.
Berichten: 320
Geregistreerd: di 10 okt , 2006 17:41

Berichtdoor Reader » za 06 jan , 2007 18:41

Sint Samuel moest ook van de Berbers de zon aanbiden:

"His owner, Zakrdas, wanted St. Samuel to worship the sun. St. Samuel refused and he spat at the sun, which made Zakrdas exceedingly angry. Zakrdas tied St. Samuel to a tree for five days with no food or water. Saint John the priest, who was in slavery along with St. Samuel, went to Zakrdas asking him to untie St. Samuel. Zakrdas let St. Samuel go, and allowed him to watch his camels. However, Zakrdas was still looking for some way to make St. Samuel worship the sun.

A friend suggested to Zakrdas to have St. Samuel marry, take his children as slaves and have them worship the sun. When St. Samuel refused, Zakrdas again tied him to the tree, still looking for another way to make St. Samuel worship the sun.
He decided to chain a maiden to the tree with St. Samuel, hoping that St. Samuel would fall into the sin with her. This maiden tried to tempt St. Samuel, but did not succeed. St. Samuel still refused to worship the sun."

If it was me, I would surely worship that sun without ignoring falling into the sin (Grapje).

De site maakt ook grapjes, er stond: "Consequently, the devil sent the Berbers to St. Samuel .."
Nog even offtopic: Deze Berbers schijnen het leger van veel krachten te zijn. Waarom de duivel dan niet?
Berichten: 320
Geregistreerd: di 10 okt , 2006 17:41

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